- Night Cube
Often the closer we get to changing the order of things, the more those that feel the importance of that order, wish to keep it the same. There have been visitors to keep us afraid. They will challenge reality and do all they can to keep you from..... Anyway, We put together this Night Cube to help.
- Cut along the top of the two middle "Night Sun"s.
- Fold these two down.
- Fold the row above so the Night Sun is at the bottom.
- Fold the long row all the way round.
- Use the grey tabs and night suns to clue it together.
Hang above your bed, or any place else you want protection.
- Dream Armor
We have also a new Glyph to help you sleep and dream in Peace. Take this new Glyph and place in under your bed.
- Healing's Journey
We created this for the purpose of healing. You can use this to heal yourself and you can use it to heal others. Print it out. If you have a picture of the ill place it in the center of the healing's journey or picture them in your mind's eye walking the road in healing's journey. If it is you who are ill then hold the picture to your chest or injured area and feel the healing flow. At night place it under your pillow.
- Protection Talisman
We have added this image to help provide you protection. You can use this in many ways. Put it on paper on both sides and hang it on the walls, place it on the floor, under the bed, wherever you need protection. If you are having a bad time with visitors then draw it on your ankles just below the ankle bone with something that won't wear off during the night or day.
- Night Runes
A simple one page print out with all the Night Runes for your convenience.