Site Changes

Hi All,
This page will detail changes to the site so that you might know when these have happened and keep up to date without having to guess.
- September 2004:
- WOW! As anyone who is familiar with the old site format can tell, Great Change has taken place :) It is all thanks to Drakknor for redesigning the site. He has put many, many hours into improving the quality and usability of the site. I am truly thankful for his hard work and I know you will be too. Please if you find anything not right with the site just e-mail me through the website's e-mail form and I will pass along the changes to Drakknor. Enjoy the Site!
- June 2003:
- The night cube has been updated with new colours that have proven to be more powerfull than the old colours, you can print the cube direct from clicking the image on the page. Thanks to Martin Whitehouse for the redesign of the cube and animation.
- Added part two of autobiography
- Created special tools page adding healing's journey and special protection glyph
- Removed night visitors only page and merged it into special tools page
- April 2003:
- Fixed ozone wording in topic 1 first page of the Book Night Magick - always meant to take care of that
- Added figures and Sign of Night Magick to the Book Night Magick
- Figures and Sign of Night Magick available for download
- Fixed text documents and ftp area on site table of content
- Began autobiography with part 1
- Book II is indefinitely on hold
- Added FAQ