18. The Power of Sound
Ever see an opera singer shatter a crystal glass? It is said that words are things and once spoken may cause the very thing to happen. Can there really be so much to the spoken word? Let's explore the physical properties of the spoken word, or in other words, sound and its properties and discover the secret.
You first must learn that sound is caused by vibrating structures. That for sound to travel it must move through a material substance or medium. Sound travels as a wave motion. As a sound wave travels, in a medium, small displacements occur to the molecules in that medium or substance. These small displacements are a regular collective motion in which all the molecules, in a small volume of matter, move together. Think of this motion as compared to a small volume of water held by a container in which you would see a wave moving in the volume of water. This ordered wave motion is superimposed on the random thermal agitation or vibration of the molecules. We, therefore, look at sound waves as the molecules of the substance jiggling back and forth in a regular fashion. You know that sound is the result of vibrating bodies but beyond this you must know that a traveling sound wave transports energy.
When this sound wave is incident on, or striking, a body of matter there is absorption of that sound wave's energy by that body. In some cases this will force the body to vibrate at the frequency of the incident wave. A state of resonance will occur when the vibration of the body and that of the incident wave are close in natural frequency. Sound can do some phenomenal things. For example, remember the high pitched note of the singer, when it is incident upon the crystal glass, causes it to break. But even greater is the Power of the spoken word or sound energy, when that energy is transmitted on the carrier wave of creative magickal thought. The spoken word is endowed with the Night Force when the creative thought behind that word is that of Night Consciousness. Your words are endowed with Night Force when your Magickal Consciousness is that of the Oversoul. Your words are as potent as your consciousness is equal to that of Night Consciousness. For your words to be life and accomplish that where they are sent, then your consciousness must be that of the Oversoul. Your will is the selector of the words, but for them to be more than mere words they must be endowed with Night Force through Night Consciousness. Let's try it.
To begin with first see yourself as the Oversoul. Feel the Night Presence of your own Oversoul selecting the words with which you wish to create with. Then speak the words knowing that it is not you that says the words, but that it is the Oversoul who says the Words. Then those Words will go forth and do as they are sent forth to do. The greater your attunement with your Oversoul, the greater will be the potency of the Words. Keep your thoughts in tune with your Oversoul at all times. For your words to take on the Night Force you must become the Oversoul in all you do. Repeat the Words over and over again till you can feel the words take on a life of their own. Repeat them till your words are endowed with Night Force then they will go forth and create as you have said. There are no limitations to what your Words in Night Consciousness may do. They can bring to you your heart's desire. They can literally move mountains. They can create life. There are no limitations to what you can do, so long as it is in accord with your Oversoul. As you are filled with the Sound of the Oversoul, now to fill yourself with the Energies of the Earth.