2. Who is a Night Magician?
Who is a Night Magician? A Night Magician is Absolute Love. They are the embodiment of Dark Love that has its origin in the Void. They are Dark Love that is free from any restrictions, limitations, or exceptions. They are Dark Love free from dependence upon external definitions for its existence. They are Dark Love born out of Absolute Innocence. A Night Magician is Absolute Love.
A Night Magician is Strong Willed. They are the willpower necessary to move mountains. They are the willpower needed to overcome the impossible. They are the willpower it takes to overcome life's challenges and defeats. They are the willpower it requires to wield Night Magick against their enemies and win. They are the willpower of the Eternal Darkness. A Night Magician is Strong Willed.
A Night Magician is Self-disciplined. They will undergo a thousand days and nights of deprivation to achieve their goals. They are hardest upon their selves in achieving self- mastery of Night Magick. They are the self-discipline it requires to overcome failure for a thousandth time and once more attempt the challenge. They live in a self-imposed world of self-discipline in order to achieve the ultimate state of being. A Night Magician is Self- disciplined.
A Night Magician is Patience. They are the patience required while acquiring self-mastery. They are the patience needed when building dreams of success. They are the patience required when waiting for the destruction of their enemies. They are the patience the Night Spirit has in each of us and our magickal climb. A Night Magician is Patience.
A Night Magician is a Pillar of Strength. They are the rock that will not be moved as the waves of strife come crashing over. They are the strength needed to overcome the Forces of Yang. They are the strength required to achieve success in life. A Night Magician is a Pillar of Strength.
A Night Magician is Free of Self-limitations. They are not bound by the chains of limited thinking. They do not see themselves as just human beings made of flesh and bones but as Ones, pure in Night Spirit, that transcend time and space. Their emotions do not master their lives. They are the master of their emotions. They are the calm, silent, and steady Soul of the Night. They are the Night Soul. They are the Dark Masters of Life. A Night Magician is Freedom.
A Night Magician is Deep Silence. They are the Deep Silence of the Night. They are like the silence that follows the storm. They are the silence that is found in the quiet of the home. They are the silence of the Void. They are the silence of the Night Soul. They are the silence of the Night Dragon's sacred flight. A Night Magician is Deep Silence.
A Night Magician is Dark Knowledge. They are knowledge found through intellectual pursuit of the hidden mysteries. They are knowledge born out of intelligence and critical thinking. They are knowledge discovered through intuition, meditation, and reflection. A Night Magician is Dark Knowledge.
A Night Magician is Nature. They are the flowers that bloom and the trees that bud in the Spring. They are the mighty winds that blow across the world and the gentle rains that give life to all things that grow. They are the melodic voice of the birds who sing. They are the heat and cool waters that are found in the months of Summer. They are the storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. They are the frog churumping and the Night Owl hooting. They are the short summer nights. They are the Artist's brush that paints the leaves of Fall. They are the harvest of the crops. They are the stacked corn stalks of the fields and the pumpkins in the window sills. They are the squirrels and chipmunks gathering up the nuts in readiness for the long cold Winter months. They are every snow flake dancing and icicle hanging. They are the white bunny and fox who does the chasing. They are the never ending cycle of Nature. A Night Magician is Nature.
A Night Magician is Life. They are passionate for their love of Life in all its aspects. They are adventurous and courageous loving the challenge of Life. Yet they are practical, cautious and responsible with Life. For them, Life should be faced with daring, boldness, and energy. They loathe restriction and love the freedom found in Life. They are the Artisans of Life. A Night Magician is Life.
A Night Magician is the Night Soul in Action on Earth. It abides in their conscience in all the things said or done. They are the Creative Force of the Night Soul in the way they create new life. They are the Preservative Force of the Night Soul holding the world in perfect balance. They are the Destructive Force of the Night Soul tearing away the illusions of the Yang. They are the Regenerative Force of the Night Soul rebuilding the true Night World. They are Night Soul by the way they remove us out of life's confusion. The eyes that see us, the ears that listen to us, the mouth that speaks words of strength, the heart that pours out absolute love to us, the strong arms and hands that hold us near, and the legs that take us far on our way, through all of these there is the Night Spirit. A Night Magician is the Night Soul in Action on Earth.
Who is a Night Magician? A Night Magician can be likened to a multifaceted stone of Amethyst or Emerald of incomparable beauty. The Night Magician is as beautiful and rare as a Black Diamond. I have just discussed many of those facets that make-up a Night Magician but if I kept on writing for days I would never be able to cover all of them. Each facet of the Night Magician can best be known by living it; by becoming a Night Magician. The facets I have been covering are those found in the Night Magician who has been long on the path and has attained much. It is anyone who will dedicate her or his life to the Night Principles found in this work. You have to dedicate your lives to becoming all that I described a Night Magician to be in the beginning of this topic. The teachings must again be practiced actively in your life as they were practiced in the ancient civilizations that first came into being here on Earth. A Night Magician is one who will put these teachings found in this work into practice in her or his life and live them fully.
A Night Magician is one who abides fully in the Consciousness of the Night. They are the total embodiment of strength, solitude, patience, intelligence, courage and adventure. They are beings free of self-limitations. They are ones who have dedicated their life to self-freedom and perfection. They are the Night Soul in Action. There is no greater purpose in life than to be a Night Magician. Now that you have some idea of who a Night Magician is and what Night Magick is about, I would like to discuss why you should practice Night Magick.